credentials module

class credentials.Credentials(credentials_file, master_key=None)[source]

Bases: object

A class to check, retrieve, add, encrypt and decrypt credentials necessary to connect to a switch.


Relative or absolute path to a credentials file that is to be used. It is passed via the command line flag --credentials. If no path is passed, the default credentials file credentials in CHOME is used.




File handle used to read from and write to credentials file.




Used to encrypt and decrypt passwords. Can have a lenth of 32 characters max. Can be passed via the -m flag and can be the actual master key (discouraged) or a relative/absolute path to a file containing the master key. If not provided __init__() will ask for it using the python module getpass.



add_entry(credentials) None[source]

Writes entry to credentials_file

check_credentials_file_exists() None[source]

Checks if the passed credentials file exists. Uses default credentials file in CHOME_ABS_PATH

check_entry_exists(host) str[source]

Returns user@host of the match, if found, an empty string otherwise.

checks_add_entry(credentials=None) bool[source]
Asks for
  • host

  • user

  • password

Asks whether to override, if entry exists. Asks three times to repeat at most, if passwords do not match. Aborts if override is denied, otherwise calls override_entry() or add_entry()

decrypt_pass(credentials) str[source]

Decode base64 string and decrypt using master_key

encrypt_pass(credentials) str[source]

Encrypt password with AES using master_key and encode it using base64.

override_entry(credentials) None[source]

Override matching credentials entry with the new one.

return_credentials(host) dict[source]

Returns credentials dictionary if entry found

Something like this
    "user": "username",
    "host": "hostname",
    "encrypted_pass": "base64 string of encrypted password",
    "pass": "plain text password"

Returns empty dictionary otherwise.

exception credentials.CredentialsError[source]

Bases: Exception

exception credentials.CryptoError[source]

Bases: Exception

exception credentials.MasterkeyError[source]

Bases: Exception