

Clone the repository like so:

$ git clone

To use conquers, first install its requirements using pip:

$ cd conquers
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--add-credentials] [--credentials CREDENTIALS] [--config CONFIG] [-m MASTERKEY] [-d DEVICE_TYPE] [-p PUBLIC_KEY]

conquers v0.1

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --add-credentials     Add entry to credentials. Specify credentials file with --credentials, the default is ~/.conquers/credentials
  --credentials CREDENTIALS
                        Path to credentials file. Default is ~/.conquers/credentials
  --config CONFIG       Path to configuration file. Default is ~/.conquers/config.yaml
  -m MASTERKEY, --masterkey MASTERKEY
                        Path to file containing the master key
  -d DEVICE_TYPE, --device-type DEVICE_TYPE
                        Like cisco_ios or huawei.
  -p PUBLIC_KEY, --public-key PUBLIC_KEY
                        Converts public key to format specified with -d.


conquers uses a configuration file to make use of its features. It must be in .yaml format. Here is config.yaml.example from the repository:

# vim: se ft=yaml:
# filename: config.yaml.example
###########    COMMANDS    #####################################################
# There are three types of commands:
#     - commands before configuration (cmds_before -> list)
#     - configuration commands (conf_cmds -> list)
#     - commands after configuration (cmds_after -> list)
# cmds_before and cmds_after are usually show commands.
# One exception would be a command to make the configuration persistent like
#     - write memory
# Commands like that belong in cmds_after at the end.
# All configuration commands belong in **conf_cmds** and do not work in the
# other sections.
# For large command sets you can specify a path to a file containing
# commands, one per line:
#     - cmds_before_file -> string
#     - conf_cmds_file -> string
#     - cmds_after_file -> string
# Find some EXAMPLES below.
# ----------
# Commands from e.g. cmds_before and cmds_after will be
# combined where commands cmds_before_file will be added after cmds_before.
# --------
# With a special syntax you can react to interactions.
# The string after # is a string that you expect to be contained in the
# question. The string after the colon will be sent as an answer.
# Multiple expects are possible, each one is terminated with a semicolon.
# Example:
# cmds_after:
#   - "copy scp:// flash:#username:yes;#filename:yes;"

#############    DEFAULTS    ###################################################
defaults:                                     # Is not a group name
  # Forks per group
  forks: 5
  device_type: "huawei"
  connection_timeout: 5                       # Default is 10
  read_timeout: 5                             # Default is 10
  # List of report types. CAN ONLY BE SET HERE.
  # Possible types are json, yaml and html
  # and can only be set in defaults.
  # report.<type> will be created in ~/.conquers.
    - html                                    # (fancy, recommended for humans)
    - yaml
    # For type json you can specify the indentation with
    #     :<number> (default:4)
    - json:2
  # If set to false, a yaml report is shown in the console per host.
  silent: false

#############    GROUPS    #####################################################
# ----------- EXAMPLE GROUP cisco ----------------------------------------------
# Demostrates overriding settings and the defining of hosts.
cisco:                                        # Group name
  silent: true                                # Overrides default
  device_type: "cisco_ios"                    # Overrides default
  forks: 10                                   # Overrides default
  #   config_mode
  # and
  #   exit_config_mode
  # are optional and not needed for device_type "cisco_ios" and are shown here
  # merely for demonstration.
  # Sould you encounter problems with configuration commands where it's not
  # possible to enter the configuration mode, try these settings with the
  # corresponding commands for your device to enter and exit configuration mode.
  config_mode: "conf t"                       # Enter conf (cisco_ios)
  exit_config_mode: "end"                     # Exit conf mode (cisco_ios)
    - "show run | include username"
  ###########    HOSTS    ######################################################
    - cs-access1:
        silent: false                         # Overrides group setting
    - cs-access2:                             # A colon is mandatory after host

# ----------- EXAMPLE GROUP firmware_upgrade -----------------------------------
# Example for a group where the hosts get a new firmware.
# Demonstrates special syntax for interactions.
firmware_upgrade:                             # Group name
  device_type: "cisco_ios"
  silent: true
    # The string after # is what you expect, the string after the colon will
    # be sent as an answer. A semicolon terminates the expression, multiple
    # expects are possible.
    - "copy scp:// flash:#username:yes;#filename:yes;"
    - cisco-core-1:
    - cisco-core-2:
      # different file only for cisco-core-2
      cmds_after:                             # Overrides group setting
        - "copy scp:// flash:#username:yes;#filename:yes;"
    - cisco-core-3:
    - cisco-core-4:

# ----------- EXAMPLE GROUP logging --------------------------------------------
# In this example, the complete configuration will be logged to
# the specified log file.
# With **log_file** the OUTPUT of every command will be logged.
  device_type: "cisco_ios"
  silent: true
    - "show run"
    - cisco-core-1:
        log_file: "~/path/file.log"
    - cisco-core-2:
        log_file: "/path/to/file.log"

conquers in action
