Source code for collector

from pathlib import Path
import json
import yaml
from colorama import init, Fore, Style
from constants import Constants as Const

init(autoreset=True)            # Reset color.

[docs] class CollectorError(Exception): pass
[docs] class Collector: """ A class to collect, format and print information gathered from hosts. Attributes: json_indentation (int): The default is ``4``. It can be changed in the configuration. .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Configure json indentation --- defaults: report_types: - html - json:2 htmltop (str): html snippet for html report. See :py:class:`constants.Constants.HTML_TOP`. htmlbottom (str): html snippet for html report. See :py:class:`constants.Constants.HTML_BOTTOM`. collected_objects (list): .. code-block:: python :caption: Something like this depending on the configuration [ { "group": "awesomegroup", "host": "some-switch", "errors": [], "rc": 0, "output": { "cmds_before": [ "ip name-server" ], "cmds_after": [ "ip name-server" ] }, "message": "ok", "config": { "settings": { "device_type": "cisco_ios", "connection_timeout": 10, "read_timeout": 10, "silent": True, "conf_cmds": [ "no ip name-server", "ip name-server" ], "cmds_before": [ "show run | include name-server" ], "cmds_after": [ "show run | include name-server" ], "log_file": "~/.conquers/some-switch.log" }, "credentials": { "user": "admin", "host": "some-switch", "encrypted_pass": "********", "pass": "********" } } }, ] hosts_by_group (dict): .. code-block:: python :caption: Something like this depending on the configuration { "awesomegroup": [ { "another-switch": { "errors": [], "rc": null, "message": "skipped", "config": { "host": "another-switch", "settings": { "device_type": "cisco_ios", "connection_timeout": 10, "read_timeout": 10, "silent": true }, "credentials": false } } }, { "some-switch": { "errors": [], "rc": 0, "output": { "cmds_before": [ "ip name-server" ], "cmds_after": [ "ip name-server" ] }, "message": "ok", "config": { "settings": { "device_type": "cisco_ios", "connection_timeout": 10, "read_timeout": 10, "silent": true, "conf_cmds": [ "no ip name-server", "ip name-server" ], "cmds_before": [ "show run | include name-server" ], "cmds_after": [ "show run | include name-server" ], "log_file": "~/.conquers/some-switch.log" }, "credentials": { "user": "admin", "host": "some-switch", "encrypted_pass": "********", "pass": "********" } } } } ], "anothergroup": [ "..." ], } """ def __init__(self): self.collected_objects = [] self.hosts_by_group = {} self.json_indentation = 4 self.htmltop = Const.HTML_TOP self.htmlbottom = Const.HTML_BOTTOM
[docs] def add_to_collection(self, item) -> None: """ Adds **item** to **collected_objects** Parameters ---------- item : dict Object to add """ self.collected_objects.append(item)
def __build_complete_summary(self) -> None: for host_item in self.collected_objects: # Create group if it doesn't exist. if host_item["group"] not in self.hosts_by_group: self.hosts_by_group[host_item["group"]] = [] # Create host object with keys and values. host = {} for key in host_item: if key == "group" or key == "host": continue host[key] = host_item[key] # Add host to group self.hosts_by_group[host_item["group"]].append( { host_item["host"]: host } )
[docs] def log_to_report(self) -> None: """ Logs a full report if configured in the configuration file. Three output format are possible: * html (fancy, recommended for humans) * yaml * json or json:<indentation> """ try: report_types = self.collected_objects[0]["config"]["settings"]["report_types"] # report_types is not defined in the configuration -> do nothing. except Exception as e: report_types = "" if "yaml" in report_types: with open(f"{Const.CHOME_ABS_PATH}/report.yaml", "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh: fh.write(yaml.dump(self.hosts_by_group)) for rep_t in report_types: if "json" in rep_t: try: indentation = rep_t.split(":")[1] if indentation.isdigit(): self.json_indentation = int(indentation) except IndexError as e: pass with open(f"{Const.CHOME_ABS_PATH}/report.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh: fh.write(json.dumps(self.hosts_by_group, indent=self.json_indentation)) break if "html" in report_types: with open(f"{Const.CHOME_ABS_PATH}/report.html", "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh: fh.write(self.htmltop) for group in self.hosts_by_group: # fh.write('<li class="group-entry">' + group + # '</li><li class="sub-li"><ul class="hosts-nav-sub">') fh.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li class="group-entry">\n') fh.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t' + group + '\n') fh.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n') fh.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li class="sub-li">\n') fh.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul class="hosts-nav-sub">\n') for h in self.hosts_by_group[group]: temp_group = { group: [] } temp_group[group].append(h) # fh.write('<li class="sub-li-item" data-json=\'' + # json.dumps(temp_group).replace("'", "\'") + # '\'>' + next(iter(h)) + '</li>') fh.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t') fh.write('<li class="sub-li-item" ') fh.write('data-json=\'' + json.dumps(temp_group).replace("'", "\'") + '\'>' + next(iter(h)) + '</li>\n') fh.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\n') fh.write('\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</li>') fh.write(self.htmlbottom)
[docs] def log_to_file(self, data) -> None: """ If **log_file** is specified in the configuration, the output of commands sent to a swtich and information about the host are logged to this file. """ if "log_file" not in data["config"]["settings"]: return log_file = data["config"]["settings"]["log_file"].replace( "~", str(Path.home()) ) try: fh = open(log_file, "w") except OSError as e: raise CollectorError(e) from e for cmdout in data["output"]: for line in data["output"][cmdout]: fh.write(f"{line}\n") fh.close()
[docs] def hide_passwords(self, data) -> None: """ Overrides password strings with * for console output. Parameters ---------- data : dict """ if "credentials" in data["config"]: if "pass" in data["config"]["credentials"]: data["config"].pop("host", None) data["config"]["credentials"]["encrypted_pass"] = "********" data["config"]["credentials"]["pass"] = "********"
[docs] def print_single_summary(self, data) -> None: """ Print collected info in yaml format to the console. This can be silenced by setting **silent** to **true** in the configuration. """ # Do not print if silent. if "silent" in data["config"]["settings"]: if data["config"]["settings"]["silent"]: return yaml_data = yaml.dump(data) for line in yaml_data.splitlines(): Collector.print_extra_info(f" {line}")
def __format_line_summary(self, group, host, *strings) -> str: g_max_len = 18 max_len = 13 result = "" if len(group) >= g_max_len: group = "{}...".format(group[:g_max_len]) if len(host) >= g_max_len: host = "{}...".format(host[:g_max_len]) result += "{:<21}".format(group) result += "{:<21}".format(host) for v in strings: if len(v) >= max_len: v = "{}...".format(v[:max_len]) result += "{:<15}".format(v) return result
[docs] def print_complete_summary(self) -> None: """ Print brief information about completed hosts in a table. """ self.__build_complete_summary() print("\n\n") Collector.print_info( self.__format_line_summary( "Group", "Host", "Device", "Msg", "Err", "Log" ) ) for i in range(0,90): Collector.print_info("-", end="") print("") for g in self.hosts_by_group: for h in self.hosts_by_group[g]: switch = next(iter(h)) errors = len(h[switch]["errors"]) message = h[switch]["message"] device = h[switch]["config"]["settings"]["device_type"] if "log_file" in h[switch]["config"]["settings"]: log = "yes" else: log = "no" if errors > 0: errors = str(errors) Collector.print_error( self.__format_line_summary( g, switch, device, message, errors, log ) ) elif message == "skipped": errors = str(errors) Collector.print_warning( self.__format_line_summary( g, switch, device, message, errors, log ) ) else: errors = str(errors) Collector.print_mild_info( self.__format_line_summary( g, switch, device, message, errors, log ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def print_info(string, **kwargs) -> None: """ Print to console in bright green. """ print(f"{Style.BRIGHT}{Fore.GREEN}{string}", **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def print_mild_info(string, **kwargs) -> None: """ Print to console in normal green. """ print(f"{Style.NORMAL}{Fore.GREEN}{string}", **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def print_error(string, **kwargs) -> None: """ Print error to console in red. """ print(f"{Style.NORMAL}{Fore.RED}{string}", **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def print_warning(string, **kwargs) -> None: """ Print a warning to console in purple. """ print(f"{Style.NORMAL}{Fore.MAGENTA}{string}", **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def print_extra_info(string, **kwargs) -> None: """ Prints additional information in grey. """ print(f"{Style.NORMAL}{Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX}{string}", **kwargs)